Building good homes and beneficial neighbourhoods requires careful consideration and planning, as well as taking account of the needs of local residents. As a Steering Group, we recognise that our priority is to put people first and to ensure that the well-being of our community is at the heart of the Neighbourhood Planning process.
The Deepings Green Walk project invites developers to demonstrate how the design and access arrangements of new construction will support the implementation of the Green Walk. We anticipate larger sites will include delightful green areas and attractive accessible pathways that will be 'better by design'.
The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan is currently being drawn up by representatives of the Deepings community in conjunction with various local consultation activities. For more information and to have your say, please visit www. site is currently under construction and will be available soon)
Specific key areas currently under consideration by South Kesteven District Council for development are:
The main entrance to The Deepings from the North. This is the gateway to the Deepings and we wish to ensure a wide green vista of trees, hedges and verges on both sides of the main road between the bypass and Towngate West/East. The Green Girdle will cross this road at some point and we would like to see a safe crossing included in the developments on both sides of the road.
The North West end of Linchfield Road. This field is proposed for development and we wish to ensure a wide green avenue of trees, hedges and verges on both sides of the road to include off-road access for walkers and cyclists as far down Linchfield Road as possible.
Through Mill Field. This area is popular with walkers and has been used as an open green space for many years. We wish to ensure that this natural environment remains accessible for residents and includes an attractive avenue linking the river path at the south, to the new green route at the north of Towngate. There are currently a number of options under consideration for this site.